It looks like some of the fields are still being farmed, why?

    When the Conservation Authority acquired the properties in the Spring of 2022, those farmers had already entered into Lease agreements with the previous landowner for the season, and so the Conservation Authority honoured those leasesSince we are still in the early stages of developing a Comprehensive Plan (long-term management plan) for this property, we are continuing to lease those lands on an annual basis, with the understanding that those leases may not be renewed in the long term. We are making sure to give the local farmers time to adjust and plan for the future, should that land use change from agriculture to something different

    If this property is now owned by the Conservation Authority, why can’t I access it?

    We are working to understand the dynamics of this large and ecologically diverse property to determine how to best manage it moving forward. There is currently no infrastructure on the property that would support public visitation (e.g., parking lot, trails, facilities, etc.) and for these reasons the property remains closed to the public. A Comprehensive Plan (i.e., long-term property management plan) will be created for this property to outline how it will be used in the future.

    Why is it called the "Lake Simcoe Conservation Preserve"?

    The Lake Simcoe Conservation Preserve is a temporary name that is being used to refer to the properties that comprise the Preserve (four properties total). Stay tuned for the official name which will be chosen during the Comprehensive Planning process.